Sunday, June 9, 2013

Blog Post #61: Tai Po 2

Dear People!

I'm staying in Tai Po! Because there are two sets of Elders in this ward; I'll just be staying with Elder Sugar Baby! I spent 5 months in Tai Po 1, and I wouldn't mind a bit if I spent 5 in Tai Po 2, which is not super likely, but very possible. Regardless, all that counts is here and now!

Last night I got the feeling that we needed to get out of the house and talk to people on the streets. We went out walking, and for about 20 minutes everyone said "I'm busy", "I'm unavailable", "I don't need your message", the usual things we get all day every day. I wasn't allowing my mood be darkened though, so we kept pressing on! 

Eventually we started talking to a kid who was walking his bike, and our conversation went like this;
Me: Hello! We represent the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! Have you ever heard of us before?
Kid: I'm already a Christian, no need.
M: Really? We believe in Jesus Christ, too!
K: You say you do, but really you don't. Goodbye.
M: Whoa, wait a minute, explain why you don't think we believe in Christ.

His first issue was that we believe Jesus Christ was created by God, when the Savior in the Bible states that He has no end or beginning. I'm not familiar with that scripture, but both statements about the existence of Jesus Christ are true according to our doctrine, they just need to be properly understood.

Next, he got a smug grin on his face and asked the requirements to be saved. I took a deep breath and thought "Oh boy, here we go". His point was that Christ taught that we are saved through Grace and Faith, which we also believe. He didn't believe, however, that our Works have anything to do with it. I reminded him what the apostle Paul said about showing Faith through Works (I think that was Paul), and that if you really have faith you'll do something about it.

He asked me about people who are handicapped, who can't do anything to show Faith in Christ. Are they just damned? Of course not! Perhaps all they can do to act on their Faith is to be happy and to ponder the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and that's what they spend their time doing. I reminded him that he can only work out his own salvation, and that he has a set of abilities that God gave him to work with, and they include more than happiness and pondering.

He was stumped. Not because I'd killed him with the Bible or the Book of Mormon, not because I'd argued him into a corner that he couldn't get out of, but because I taught him the most basic forms of our beliefs that he had issues with, and he believed just like I did. The people that don't like the Church merely don't understand it, I've come to realize that.

He tried to get the final word by saying "Well, I still don't think you're Christians", and I asked him to stop. I testified of the Ministry, Atonement, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. I told him to set aside Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon, Baptism, and everything else, and listen to me speak of Christ.

He is my older brother. He sacrificed Himself so that I could have the chance to come back to God the Father. He loves me, just as He loves all the people of this world. He is my Savior, and I choose to serve and follow him. There are some that claim to be Christian, that put on a mask of Christlike actions, but in their hearts they do not love the Savior. I am not one of them.

I am here because I love Jesus Christ. I have no benefits for being in Hong Kong except for serving Him. I don't need this language for the career I want. I'm not learning any of the technical skills I'll need later in life. I'm not making any connections that will help me accomplish the plan I have for my life right now. I'm here to show, through how I treat others, that I believe in and love Jesus Christ. You are allowed to believe what you want, but I believe in Christ.

Elder JE O'Gara

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