Sunday, March 17, 2013

Blog Post #49: Where are the girls?

Dear People,
One of the many things we do for service here is our weekly English Class (taught by Native Speakers!). Some are very boring, some are more entertaining, but all draw a mixed crowd of rowdy children, interested teenagers, slightly crazy people, and the occasional Expatriate.
A middle-aged gentleman from Russia who comes to the class here in Tai Po was originally contacted by the Sister Missionaries who serve in neighboring Tai Wo. He isn't creepy at all, but the Sisters are his best friends here, and he expects to see them every week.

So, last week, when he came in and the Sisters were running late he stopped, looked around, and in his thick Russian accent and medium-high Tenor voice exclaimed "Where are the girls"? It was perhaps the funniest thing that's happened here in HK, and we all had a good laugh about it.
Moving on to a very different but still very funny man is one of my flatmates. We'll refer to him as "Elder Goo". He is, of course, from the great state of Utah, and went to highschool with 2 of my other flatmates. Having 3 HS buddies and 3 non-Utah Elders all in the same house is probably a unique set of circumstances, but it means we're guaranteed to have a game of 3-on-3 basketball every morning.
Getting back to Elder Goo, in the following video he looks right at the camera at 1:05.
Yup, right there, looking straight at the camera, showing off his big blue eyes, is my flatmate. He's one of the funniest people I've met, and the only person that I've ever tried to tackle and been flat-backed by without any effort on his part. He's a solid block of a man, and not someone who should be charged while you're waiting for your teamates to get set up to catch a pass and make a lay-up.
Anyways, my time is about over, I love you all very much, and I hope that everything is going great in all the various parts of the world you live in!
Elder JE O'Gara

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