Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Blog Post #19: "Get in Here!"

So my goof this week was only slightly rude! "Yap laih, yap laih" is a command, but sort of a softened command because it's repeated. I ought to have said "Cheng" mid-rising before it. I'll learn eventually...

I have had such a great week, but I regretably have no time to blog about it! Suffice it to say God is good, He is love, and He watches over His servants! I love what I'm doing, I love that I have so many friends getting home from their full-time missionary service, and I hope that even more will be heading out soon! I love y'all, and I hope everyone is happy, healthy, and well!

Elder O'Gara

P.S. Congrats to Morgan Kidd on finishing her novel! I'll buy a copy... In 2 years.

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