Saturday, April 1, 2017

Expectations and Reservations

Turns out, I'm not much of a fitness blogger! The documentation of losing weight to join the Air Force didn't happen, mostly because the working out didn't happen, but who wants to see awkward half-naked pictures of my goofy self? My Instagram followers will, eventually, but I'm reverting to my old tone of talking about personal things in a not-so-personal setting: this blog.

I have problems, and I'm working on them, and I want to share my experiences so that, maybe, someone else can feel empowered to get professional help. While it may seem like I'm pretty open about everything (my most viewed post [90 views] was about nearly committing suicide), there's a lot I don't talk about because it's just too scary.

I want to talk about the scary things though, because even though I've never broken 100 views, I know that my posts help somebody somewhere, and I don't want to let them down. Even if I'm just entertaining 89 random internet users, I like to think that I'm changing the life of that one just a little bit.

1 comment:

  1. "...entertaining 89 random internet users..." Most often, the story you tell isn't our primary interest, but rather who you are, and that’s why we return, to witness Jonathan’s transformation.
