To "Pak Muhn" (pronounced "Pock-Moohn") is to go door to door, knocking and spreading the Gospel. It is illegal in most of the buildings in Hong Kong, and the penalty can range from getting chased out to getting fined for trespassing. Elder Herrick and I, however, have take Alma and Amulek's example to heart and have sought to bring the Message of the Restoration to those who are "...poor as to things of the world; and also they were poor in heart." (Alma 32:3), and it is starting to gain momentum. In a building with some two dozen doors, half of them were opened, and we were were able to teach a Coptic Christian family that came here from Egypt a few years ago. If you aren't familiar with the Copts; suffice it to say few groups in today's world (i.e. the Jews being one of those few) are more humbled by their afflictions and persecutions.
I hope that we are able to find more who have been prepared to accept and receive the Word of God, because it truly is the power of Salvation unto all men. It brings joy, peace, consolation, guidance, and order into EVERY life it touches, be it poor or rich, proud or humble, great or small. Because it is the true Gospel, it helps everyone with every problem. Not everyone can see it the first time they look into the Gospel, but quiet determination allows the honest seeker of truth to know it is true for him/herself.
Some people have the misconception that my job as a Missionary is to convince others that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, and that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is His church. If anyone is ever baptized because I convinced them; then I've failed. My purpose is to tell others what I know to be true, and for them to try their best to have an experience in which they receive the quiet confirmation of truth through the Holy Spirit. That comforting, peaceful, safe, happy, good, special feeling is what convinces people to join this Church. I have felt it, and I am far from the home I love to help others feel it. I'm excited to once again feel the Spirit very strongly at General Conference, when the Prophet of God will tell us what the Father wants us to hear.
I love you all, I know that what the Prophet will say is from God, and I write this testimony in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Ben Cheung and I
Tim Tam Slam
The Hawk who Lives Upstairs
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