[Editor's note, there were NO pictures attached but I knew the website of the restaurant so this is what they advertise that the dinner will be. Very nice ;-}.kvk]
That's right, people I love, my FAVORITE season is upon us! The beautiful rain, the cold that makes it impossible to become sweaty, and, best of all, one of the 2 days a year I can call my family! Thanksgiving was last week, and amazing, and Christmas is in just under a month! I'm super excited to call people, especially my new baby nephew! And my mom.
Speaking of Thanksgiving...

It was a huge success! All told we probably had a $4000 feast (that's about $500 American) for the 20 some odd that came. We had my entire zone and a few of the Mandarins... actually, almost all the Mandarins... because they had "Visitors" (from Mainland) come to get taught everything in one day and get baptized. They are, of course, taught everything months before and live all of our standards before they take the train south, but we like to make sure that they really understand everything before we send them off to be away from the Church for a very long time.
It was a great week, and I'm happy that I am able to give such a nice little report on it! I love you all, have a great week, and keep on searching for miracles!
Elder O'Gara